A collage of images from the game, "Scoop 'n Birds," by Twin Sky Games, showcasing some of the fun elements.

Another version, portraying customers both excited and angry about the purchase of birds

The banner in its entirety

One of the first concept sketches for the main character, initially dubbed "Alice Scooper"

Original "cards" created for the different birds in the game. Later the orange bird is changed to white to help colorblind users differentiate more clearly.

Originally the bombs were these strange mechanical bird bombs, but in the end it did not work as well as a more iconic type of bomb.

Another unused concept in which customers would issue a ticket for their order.

A variety of backgrounds the player might see that match up with different scoops (flipper for the beach, toothbrush for the mouth, floppy disk for the circuit board, etc...)

One of several tutorial tips on how to play

A collage of most of the customers and their expressions

"Scoop 'n Birds" was planned for release in many different languages

Unused Title concept

Final approved title image

A collage of images from the game, "Scoop 'n Birds," by Twin Sky Games, showcasing some of the fun elements.
Another version, portraying customers both excited and angry about the purchase of birds
The banner in its entirety
One of the first concept sketches for the main character, initially dubbed "Alice Scooper"
Original "cards" created for the different birds in the game. Later the orange bird is changed to white to help colorblind users differentiate more clearly.
Originally the bombs were these strange mechanical bird bombs, but in the end it did not work as well as a more iconic type of bomb.
Another unused concept in which customers would issue a ticket for their order.
A variety of backgrounds the player might see that match up with different scoops (flipper for the beach, toothbrush for the mouth, floppy disk for the circuit board, etc...)
One of several tutorial tips on how to play
A collage of most of the customers and their expressions
"Scoop 'n Birds" was planned for release in many different languages
Unused Title concept
Final approved title image
Various sprite elements from a week-long 3D game project with Twin Sky Games.